Thanks to the unfortunate time early in 2016 when I attended a Donald Trump rally in Pensacola, Florida, for research purposes (and morbid curiosity), I am now and always subscribed to the Trump Team email list, meaning that I regularly receive strange emails peddling “Make America Great Again,” hats and encouraging me to buy commemorative Christmas ornaments.

But just days before the inauguration, I received another type of email which asked me to give the Trump team a contribution of $3 or more for the possibility of winning a free trip to Trump’s inauguration.

Wait – didn’t he win? What does he need money for?

Abysmal attendance aside, the idea that the elected president who will be our real live leader of the free world in just 3 days is asking his supporters for money contributions of any kind is alarming.

In fact, looking at the fine print of this sweepstakes-style beg for cash reveals that the funds received in this so-called contest will be divided between Trump’s 2016 election fund and the RNC.

80 percent of the revenue made from this contest will go toward Trump’s now defunct campaign. Considering that Trump loaned considerable funds to his own campaign, this means that those who contribute are likely handing the money straight to the billionaire who is about to inherit the free world. The remaining 20 percent will go toward the RNC, no real problem there.

Once again I ask: why is Donald J. Trump asking for his supporters to give him more money? Is this hand-in-hand with his purported pledge not to accept a presidential salary?

How many people will give this despicable man yet more of their hard-earned money, even as he works to steal their healthcare?

Many love Trump because he is a successful businessman, but when he is ripping off his very constituents, is that being a smart businessman, or a thieving, ungrateful grifter?