Now that the election is over and Democrats are busy trying to rebuild their devastated party in the wake of a monumental loss to Donald Trump, it is time that we all look around, take a close look at those who would lead this party, and decide whether or not they have earned our loyalty and trust.

When it comes to New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, we’ve already made up our mind. Thanks to his vote against Senator Bernie Sanders’ bill which would have allowed the import of pharmaceuticals from Canada, we now know that he he is much more beholden to his Big Pharma backers than to any of his constituents.

Four years is a long time, but methinks that the amount of negative press Booker has received will permanently brand him as a Pharma sell-out.

Now its time to take a look at Senator Elizabeth Warren. Having been a champion of attacking corporations and going after the greedy 1%, Warren was once considered among the best and brightest of the progressive movement.

Then came the election.

Though Warren straddled the line during the primaries, she quickly backed Hillary Clinton once it was clear she was to be the nominee. Many won’t forget or forgive her lack of loyalty to Sanders, who clearly embodied so much her progressive spirit.

Even still, Warren could be forgiven for siding with the corporate candidate if only she would step up on other progressive issues. When the Dakota Access Pipeline reached its fever pitch, Warren was silent, something that disappointed many.

As TYT Politics reporter Jordan Chariton noted in an article for CNBC,

“So, the time for choosing is upon Warren. She must decide: what do I truly stand for? Right now, there’s a large swath of the progressive movement that’s no longer sure.

She must choose between being a strong progressive who largely ignores political calculations in favor of fighting for workers and minorities, or continue serving as a one-trick pony that steals the show by yelling at bankers during congressional hearings, but isn’t trusted by the movement to do much more.

Warren must decide if she is going to stand out as a progressive leader on issues that go beyond Wall Street and the rigged economy—such as ensuring clean water and safety for the people instead of unfettered profits for the oil companies.”

The power of the progressive movement is not just outrage when it comes to corporate crimes, but speaking out against humanitarian concerns as well. Warren may consider protests and activism outside of her wheelhouse, but if she hopes to win the full-throated support of the progressive wing, she must tread carefully and show up where it matters.

As Chariton noted; though 2020 is a long ways away, for Warren, “The clock is ticking.”