On Twitter today, Senator Bernie Sanders reached out to his followers in an unusual way by posting a quick video of support and reassurance that we all really needed on this dark day.

The Senator acknowledged the difficult nature of the day, but encouraged those who feel downtrodden to take the opportunity to band together and fight harder than ever for progressive values.

“Today is going to be a tough day for millions of Americans including myself. But our response has got to be not to throw up our hands in despair, not to give up, but in fact to fight back as effectively and as vigorously as we can.”

Sanders continued to offer his support, using some of his most popular political talking-points as a point of focus for the next four years.

“Our job is to keep our eyes on the prize, and the prize is that we will continue fighting for a government that represents all of us, not just the 1%. And we’re gonna go forward in the fight for economic, social, environmental, and racial justice. That’s who we are, that’s what we’re gonna do. We are not giving up. “

More than ever, those of us who believe in Bernie Sanders’ vision must take comfort in his optimism and his strength of resolve.

If we fight, we will win.
