The battle against Donald Trump’s travel ban executive order is expected to be continued this evening as a panel of federal judges will rule on whether or not the decision to suspend the order until a proper ruling can be made will be continued.

The day after the ban was implemented, a Brooklyn federal judge granted an emergency stay of the order as it pertained to those who had been en route when the order was signed. Then, a slew of similar stays granted reprieve to the many other law-abiding residents who had been unlawfully detained.

Shortly thereafter, another Seattle judge James Robart ruled to suspend the order entirely, allowing residents and refugees from the 7 banned nations to be admitted in the U.S. again.

In response to this order, the DOJ said that it would be working to have Trump’s ban reinstated.

Now, the panel of judges will decide if the ban will remain rolled back for the time being, or if innocent people will be barred from entry while the case continues. The judges presiding over the appeal are William Canby Jr., a Carter appointee; Michelle Friedland, an Obama appointee; and Richard Clifton, a Bush appointee.

Though this ruling will be important, it will likely have no bearing on the final ruling over the executive order. This is just yet another step in the long legal process of killing this unconstitutional ban.