The vote in Congress over the Republican replacement for the ACA was set to be determined sometime Thursday evening, with some concerned that the vote might be held in the dead of night – even as late as 2 a.m.

Instead, the vote will not be held on Thursday at all. Republicans have indicated that the vote will likely be held tomorrow instead, hoping that they can whip more votes before then.

Paul Ryan’s planned press conference was also postponed.

From the New York Times:

“But the prospect of a vote on Thursday on a newly revised bill exposed Republicans to criticism that they were moving recklessly in a desperate bid to get their plan passed. Representative Jim McGovern, Democrat of Massachusetts, pleaded with Republicans to slow down.

‘This health care repeal affects millions upon millions upon millions of Americans,’ he said. ‘Don’t jam a disastrous bill through the House with patched-up fixes.’”

Spicer was asked more than once by inquiring reporters whether or not the President or GOP leadership had considered a next step in regards to their healthcare bill, especially because Spicer had previously said that the AHCA was the only plan the GOP was considering.

“It’s going to pass. So that’s it.”

Apparently, even if it does pass, it won’t be today.