Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse for Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, a new poll has come out showing that he is literally the least popular politician in the United States.  Trump is a close second, but for now, everybody agrees that Paul Ryan is atrocious.  It should be worth noting that the most popular politician in America today is Bernie Sanders, according to polls. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

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Well it’s finally happened, ladies and gentlemen. Paul Ryan, speaker of the house, is officially the least popular politician in the United States today. His approval rating has fallen further than that of even Donald Trump, but don’t get me wrong Donald Trump is still a very close second to being the least popular but right now that title belongs to Paul Ryan. When Donald Trump was sworn in Paul Ryan, speaker of the house, had a 33% approval rating. Still pretty bad. Today after the failure of the AHCA Paul Ryan’s approval rating stands at 21% nationally.

In recent memory the only other politician to have an approval rating lower than that was Dick Cheney when his approval rating was hovering around 18%. Now here’s the fun part, Donald Trump and Paul Ryan are the two least popular politicians in the United States so who’s the most popular? Well that title as we all know belongs to independent senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders. You have the two least popular politicians who are running platforms trying to pass legislation to take away the rights of American citizens, to take away their health care, to take away their Medicaid and their Medicare and their food stamps and their retirement funds.

Meanwhile, the most popular politician in the United States is the one who’s trying to make college more affordable, who’s trying to bring down the cost of prescription drugs, who’s trying to get a single payer health care option passed in the United States. I guess as it turns out the American public doesn’t want their rights taken away from them, they want better options and that’s what Bernie Sanders is offering and that’s what Paul Ryan and Donald Trump are trying to take away from us.

Now a lot of Ryan’s fall from the top to bottom basically come from the fact that most American’s, both Republican, Democrat and everything in between blame him for the failure of the American Healthcare Act and he absolutely should get the blame for the failure of the American Healthcare Act because he is the one who made that the Republican Party priority for seven years. Donald Trump also ran on that platform and he gets about 40% of the blame for the failure of it but Paul Ryan is the one who has done nothing but talk about this issue for seven years. He has campaigned on it during every election that occurred in those seven years and this is his failure.

He said he was going to do one thing and he couldn’t even bring that one thing to a vote. Now with him being the least popular politician in the United States, with Donald Trump and the freedom caucus going at each other’s throats and with an independent senator from Vermont being the most popular politician in the United States the message is clear. Stop trying to screw over the American public. They like getting options. They like someone who is out there fighting for them. That’s why Bernie Sanders is the most popular and that’s why everybody hates Paul Ryan and Donald Trump.