In a rare interview with a non-conservative news outlet, President Trump opened up to Reuters on Thursday to discuss his first 100 days and reflect on how he is adapting to his new role.

Surprisingly candid, President Trump spoke with three reporters from Reuters and remarked that he often missed the freedom of his old life as a businessman and real estate tycoon. Most notably, President Trump said that he felt he underestimated how hard the job of President of the United States would truly be, a miscalculation with which he has struggled significantly.

“I loved my previous life. I had so many things going. This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.”

Trump said that in his old life, he felt he didn’t have much privacy, but now as POTUS, that feeling is magnified.

“You’re really into your own little cocoon, because you have such massive protection that you really can’t go anywhere.”

Trump said that he missed driving, a normal task not given to the President for security reasons.

Just two days shy of Trump’s first 100 days milestone, and with so much undone and unaccomplished, it is clear that President Trump the man is feeling a bit disappointed with the role he so gladly took on.

While his supporters will cheer to hear that he is accepting the duties of the presidency with a heavy heart, detractors will find it hard not to focus on his shocking lack of understanding of the very office he won.

Might his deep dissatisfaction with the role eventually outweigh his ego, resulting in an abdication of the presidency? Time will tell.