We all deal with tragedy in different ways, and when you’re the Press Secretary for Donald Trump’s White House, sometimes that means hiding in bushes like an ashamed dog.

On Tuesday evening as Washington swirled with questions and outrage concerning the impromptu firing of FBI Director James Comey, Press Secretary Sean Spicer hid between two large shrubs at the White House, refusing to emerge in order to answer press questions.

The suddenly camera-shy Secretary directed reporters to turn off their cameras and lights and instead join him in the shrubbery to answer some of their questions. This resulted in a hilarious picture that was sadly not captured thanks to Spicer’s demands: reporters huddled in the bushes, asking questions to the Press Secretary in the dim evening light.

From Washington Post:

“Spicer got his wish and was soon standing in near darkness between two tall hedges, with more than a dozen reporters closely gathered around him. For 10 minutes, he responded to a flurry of questions, vacillating between light-hearted asides and clear frustration with getting the same questions over and over again.”

Now, Spicer is skipping his press briefing today in favor of allowing a new punching bag – er, spokesperson – to speak to the press instead. We all knew Spicer wasn’t cut out for the job at hand, but diving into the bushes to avoid being on-the-record is a new low.

Predictably, the internet has been having a field day with this report, sharing images of Homer Simpson sinking into a hedge as a perfect mental image for what Spicer did on Tuesday evening. Even the Ring of Fire got in on the fun and invented a fun can-you-find-it game we’re calling, “Spot the Spicer.”

I, for one, am very excited to see Melissa McCarthy make another appearance on SNL this week.