Now that celebrity dunce Donald Trump has made his way to the highest office in the land, every other boneheaded, overpaid celebrity thinks they might as well give this presidential thing a try as well!

The latest in a long string of celebrity presidential hopefuls is Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson who announced on Wednesday that there’s a “real possibility” he may run for president.

Johnson said that his presidential ambitions began in earnest when people began asking him frequently about it. So many people asked in earnest that he figured he had better think long and hard about what his answer would be.

Johnson told GQ Magazine:

“A year ago, it started coming up more and more. There was a real sense of earnestness, which made me go home and think ‘Let me really rethink my answer and make sure I am giving an answer that is truthful and also respectful.’”

Johnson, a registered Independent, has spoken at the RNC and attended the DNC, both in 2000.

During the interview, Johnson declined to harshly criticize President Trump, instead remarking on the sort of leader he would like to be.

“The first thing we’d do is we’d come and sit down and we’d talk about it. It’s hard to categorize right now how I think [Trump’s] doing, other than to tell you how I would operate, what I would like to see.”

Echoing some of the language that made Barack Obama so successful, Johnson indicated that unity and cooperation between divided political parties is an important issue he would want to focus on.

Johnson’s possible presidential ambitions elicits the same response from this writer as it did when Oprah Winfrey suggested she, too, might want to lead the country someday: no thank you.

Whether it be The Rock or Oprah or Kanye West, just because we elected one celebrity to run our country doesn’t mean that we should ever do it again. Celebrity itself clouds the judgement of regular Americans and turns what should be a careful political decision into the most overt popularity contest possible.

None of these celebrities have done anything in their lives that would indicate they would be a competent leader, and none of them deserves a chance to even try.