Tonight on “America’s Lawyer,” host Mike Papantonio explores a major issue that the NRA doesn’t want you to know about.

Popular firearm brand Remington is in hot water after thousands of gun owners have complained that their rifles discharged without anyone pressing the trigger.

While thousands of defective rifles have been discovered and dismantled, experts say millions more could be in consumers’ homes, awaiting disaster.

Later, Papantonio will explore environmental corruption in the White House.

Dow Chemical is attempting to capitalize on the especially corrupt administration in order to bypass scientific study and common sense in order to push their dangerous pesticides on innocent Americans.

With a near criminal EPA and an administration intent on rolling back as many regulations as possible, could Dow and other major corporations profit from poisoning Americans?

All this and more on tonight’s America’s Lawyer, starting at 7:30 EST and again at 10:00 EST.

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