One of the biggest mysteries of the ongoing scandal concerning the Trump administration and the Russians is why, exactly, Trump has shown such unwavering loyalty to Michael Flynn.

Despite being forced to fire his NSA director, and finding out shortly that Flynn was a foreign agent for Turkey and even used that relationship to influence the president into making foreign affair and military decisions, Trump still has nothing but kind words to say about his former employee.

In fact, Trump is so devoted to Flynn that he risked incriminating both Flynn and himself this week when he passed a message to Flynn urging him to “stay strong.”

According to Yahoo News:

“I just got a message from the president to stay strong,” Flynn said after the meal was over, according to two sources who are close to Flynn and are familiar with the conversation, which took place on April 25 . . . The sources who spoke to Yahoo News say Flynn did not indicate how Trump had sent the message—whether a written note, a text message, a phone call or some other method.”

Considering that fired FBI Director James Comey’s now famous memo includes a request from Trump for the FBI to dismiss their investigations into Flynn’s role in the administration, it is clear that his continued communication is a sign of an attempt at obstructing the investigation.

Additionally, as reported by the New York Times on Wednesday, Flynn informed the Trump transition team that he was under active federal investigation. Knowing this, Trump still hired him on and defended him at every turn.

Though those close to Flynn and Trump maintain that it is their cozy friendship which has caused such extreme loyalty from President Trump, it seems clear that something else is at work here.

Why would Trump have given Flynn such a key position in his administration knowing what he did about his foreign ties? Why would he have continued to defend him, even as doing so harmed his own administration? Why has Trump, who so willingly casts aside associates at will, continued to reach out to Flynn, telling him to “stay strong”?

Is it possible that when Trump urges him to stay strong, he means that Flynn’s strength should extend to keeping any secrets he may have about Trump from the public?

Considering that Flynn’s lawyers have just denied the Senate’s subpoena of his testimony, it appears there is a great deal that Flynn and Trump are hoping to keep secret.