We know that the President has no respect for women. We know that he is all-too-willing to express that lack of respect in low attacks. We know this, and yet we continue to be surprised at just how low he will go.

On Thursday morning, President Trump issued another of his unexpected attacks against an “enemy,” this time, Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski.


In response to the low attack, Brzezinski tweeted a photo of a Cheerios cereal box which read “made for little hands,” a jab at Trump’s insecurity about the size of his own hands.

The attack against Brzezinski is not wholly unexpected, after all, in the months since he took office, the host has morphed from a one-time fan and friend of Trump into a public critic, willing to call him out even as host and fiancé Joe Scarborough balks.

She has called Trump unqualified, unhinged, and unfit for the job. And yet, none of this would excuse what Trump tweeted today.

Fortunately for Trump, his base completely agrees with his message, and say that they too would gladly insult the appearance of a woman – or person – who dared to insult them.

In more official capacities, a spokesperson for Melania Trump, who has previously pretended to be an advocate against cyberbullying, said that she was proud of her husband for “hitting back.”

Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said very much the same time, selling what little bit of her soul may have remained.

Others like Senator Ben Sasse and Senator Lindsay Graham condemned Trump’s low remarks on Twitter, saying that they are beneath his office. McCain ominously said that he “regrets it,” when asked to comment on Trump’s tweets – but what, exactly, he regrets is a mystery.