Fox News host Eric Bolling has been suspended pending an investigation into allegations that he had been sending unsolicited lewd text messages to female colleagues. Given all the news we’ve seen about the culture of sexual harassment at Fox News, these allegations seem incredibly plausible. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

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In case you thought that all of the sexual harassment allegations at Fox News has gone away, take a look at the story that just broke within the last few days. Fox News host Eric Bolling has now been suspended after women who worked at Fox News, and who appeared frequently on the network as guests, accused Bolling of sending lewd text messages to them over the last few years.

Now, the real irony here is that when the whole texting scandal broke about Democratic politician Anthony Weiner, Eric Bolling was one of the main people on Fox News talking what a scumbag he was, and said, “Text us if you want an interview but no selfies, please.” And now it turns out that Eric Bolling was likely doing the exact same thing that Anthony Weiner was doing, mainly because he worked at an organization where behavior like that was not only just allowed to run free, but in many cases completely overlooked by the top management because, as we’ve learned in the last year, they were all doing it, too.

That’s what happens when you breed a culture that allows this misogynistic world view to dominate, where men think that they can make any kind of sexual advance towards women without any repercussions, without ever thinking about how it makes the woman feel. That is what Fox News is. That is the culture that they have spent more than a decade cultivating at that network, and it’s going to take a lot more than six months to completely clean the slate and get rid of these disgusting pigs that are still at the network.

Eric Bolling is a pig. If you’ve watched him do his show and seen the things that he’s said about President Obama, or Hillary Clinton, or any other Democrat, you already knew that he was a pig. This text message allegation scandal only furthers to prove that. Now Bolling, in his defense, through his lawyer says that he doesn’t recall sending these text messages. Doesn’t say he didn’t do it, he just doesn’t recall it. I don’t know, maybe he had too much to drink, starting sending out some texts to some colleagues, wanted to see what kind of women were out there looking to maybe hook up with a horrible Fox News host that’s not even popular enough to have his own show on the network.

Either way, Eric Bolling represents the bigger problem at Fox News. And again, it’s the culture that they have created that allows the men at the network to think that this kind of behavior is acceptable. Until they clean house, really clean house not just fire one or two guys, until they go through, restaff, reorganize, and come up with some new management, maybe new management that includes quite a few women, maybe more women than men, this behavior will continue. This is on Fox News at this point. They created this, they have to deal with it.