In the digital age, you can never be too careful. Apparently Ted Cruz didn’t get that memo, and he “liked” a not-safe-for-work porn clip that had been shared on Twitter. Cruz’s communications director eventually got around to removing the Tweet, but the damage has already been done. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins talks about Cruz’s “accident,” and why it isn’t surprising.


Family values conservative Ted Cruz found himself in a bit of an odd predicament within the last 24 hours. It seems that on Twitter he perhaps accidentally liked a not safe for work porn clip on Twitter. Now, obviously the internet, Twitter, everybody, jumped on board talking about how ridiculous this was. In fact, one of the most popular responses to Cruz’s tweet was simply “OMG” because they couldn’t believe that Ted Cruz would be either stupid enough or careless enough to actually share this porn clip on Twitter by liking it and allowing all of his followers to see that he liked it.

Now look, in Cruz’s defense slightly I have scrolled through Twitter a few times and accidentally as I’m scrolling through my phone liked somebody’s tweet that I didn’t mean to like. Wasn’t anything harmful or anything that might get me into trouble, but occasionally out there there’s people who get likes from me that weren’t actually supposed to happen but I don’t care enough to undo it. But I’ve never accidentally liked a porn video, one because I’m not following any porn folk on Twitter, at least not to my knowledge, but more importantly I think I would notice that. I think most Americans would have enough sense when you start seeing your notifications go wild about a porn video, you probably should jump on that as quickly as possible and Ted Cruz didn’t.

His communications director many hours later came back and said, “Hey, we’ve deleted the offensive tweet. It’s taken care of.” Still no word yet necessarily as to whether Cruz did it intentionally or if it was an accident, or whatever. The Hill actually reported that his Twitter account may have been hacked, however there is absolutely no evidence and no word from the Cruz office that that is even a possibility.

Now, I do not want to attack Ted Cruz or anybody for their porn preferences or what they do behind closed doors, that’s not what I’m here to do. Personally I don’t even care. But Ted Cruz does, and that’s where this creates a bit of a problem. Look, I don’t care if you like porn videos on Twitter all day long. The problem is you’re trying to insert yourself, your policies I should say, into other people’s bedrooms. Right? Like when you wanted to ban sex toys in the state of Texas, and then at the same time you’re clearly a big fan of porn. Let people enjoy the same liberties that you have Ted.

Your old college roommate has come out since this tweet happened in the last few hours, and admitted that yeah, in college too you also kind of liked what he called “mediocre porn.” But again, neither here nor there. I’m not here to try Ted Cruz’s sex life, or his personal habits, or his porn watching abilities. All I’m saying is that this is very hypocritical for a man who wants to take away your right to do what you want to do behind closed doors because he somehow apparently has this public hang up about it. Yet at the same time he’s clearly not adverse to watching porn videos, you know, things like that. You can’t take on a holier than thou persona and try to regulate the sex lives of other people if you can’t even get your own sex life in check enough that you’re not sharing porn videos to the world on Twitter.