350.org’s communications director, Thanu Yakupitiyage, on connecting immigrant rights to climate justice.
“Movements are messy. Movements are not linear.” – Thanu Yakupitiyage – The Laura Flanders Show

Posted by Laura Flanders | Sep 25, 2017 | Laura Flanders Show, Politics, Social Justice | 0 |
350.org’s communications director, Thanu Yakupitiyage, on connecting immigrant rights to climate justice.
Best-selling author and broadcaster Laura Flanders hosts the The Laura Flanders Show, where she interviews forward thinking people about the key questions of our time. The LF Show airs weekly on KCET/LinkTV, FreeSpeech TV, and in English & Spanish in teleSUR. Flanders is also a contributing writer to The Nation and Yes! Magazine (“Commonomics”) and a regular guest on MSNBC. She is the author of six books, including The New York Times best-seller, BUSHWOMEN: Tales of a Cynical Species (Verso, 2004) and Blue GRIT: True Democrats Take Back Politics from the Politicians (Penguin Press, 2007). The Laura Flanders Show first aired on Air America Radio 2004-2008. You can find all her archives and more at Lauraflanders.com or via Twitter @GRITlaura.