Naomi Karavani interviews Elizabeth Vos, the co-founder of Disobedient Media. With fact-based reporting that doesn’t concede to either side of the political spectrum, Disobedient Media is a publication filling a crucial hole in today’s polarized, monetized and agenda-driven journalism landscape. Vos refutes the narrative that only the extreme hate speech of white nationalists is being censored by the corporate state, and explains why this creeping assault on anti-establishment media and our First Amendment right to free speech should concern critical thinkers of all political stripes.

It’s unsurprising that the state is cracking down on anti-establishment sources of journalism. Without control of mass media, HOW would they manufacture our consent for extreme nationalism and the endless escalation of aggression via our foreign policy? Lee Camp breaks down exactly what the weapons industry doesn’t want you to know about North Korea. While our corporate media (largely funded by such weapons contractors) can’t seem to find the time or resources to report this true history of US / North Korea relations, they never fail to provide us with ample whitewashing of the pervasive authoritarian surveillance state under which we live. Lee Camp discusses this.