Via WEAR ABC 3 News: One of the most successful attorneys in the United States who resides in Pensacola has picked up the pen to crank out a sequel to his courtroom drama ‘Law and Disorder’. Mike Papantonio sat down with Channel 3’s Sue Straughn to discuss his new read.

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PENSACOLA, Fla. (WEAR) — One of the most successful attorneys in the United States who resides in Pensacola has picked up the pen to crank out a sequel to his courtroom drama ‘Law and Disorder’. Mike Papantonio sat down with Channel 3’s Sue Straughn to discuss his new read.

“The stories are true stories, matter of fact, ‘Law and Disorder’, those were true stories. These are true stories in ‘Law and Vengence’ from the standpoint that murders are added and some intrigue is added, but the stories are true,” Papantonio said.

“In this country we rely an awful lot on government contractors and we lose billions of dollars to fraud and the way they do business sometimes is stealing money from taxpayers. So whistleblower are put in the position of being able to correct that problem by saying ‘listen, we have a problem’. This book is about a case that we actually handled, where we had a hologram gun site which was supposed to be much more reasonable in the way it was used and very accurate, but it wasn’t. It was defective, and matter of fact, many people were getting killed because of it. So, I simply have taken that story and put it into fiction, and added also a competing story in there – the Dupont case – where 70,000 people had their water poisoned by Dupont in the Ohio River Valley – with something called C8. So those two stories are working in this book and there’s an awful lot of intrigue in the middle of it,” Papantonio explained.

There are stories in the book that people would never know about. They’re based on the truth and also strive to be entertaining.

A book signing for Law and Vengence will be at Barnes and Noble on November 3.