While the Democratic party struggles under the overwhelming weight of a Donald Trump presidency, mostly trying their best to hold the moral high-ground while also compromising where they can (but shouldn’t), there is another Democratic Congresswoman who is not interested one bit in playing Trump’s game.

Maxine Waters, a Democratic congresswoman from the liberal state of California, has made no secret of her open disdain of the POTUS, forsaking civility politics for the honest and correct assessment of the president.

“I don’t honor him, I don’t respect him, and I don’t want to be involved with him.”

Waters has called Trump out on his failed promises and lack of follow-through, particularly where it concerns his relationship with Wall Street and Russia. She has also predicted that the President will never construct the wall he promised his followers.

Waters’ remarks are miles away from some of her Congressional colleagues, many who are eager to support Trump where they can. Meanwhile, we’ve got a handful of Democratic Senators who voted to confirm most if not all of Trump’s deplorable nominees.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Maxine Waters has said that her greatest desire in the age of Trump is getting the man kicked out of office by whatever means necessary  – though he may handle that one himself.

Waters is just one of 12 black women currently serving in Congress, and she is the most senior of those 12, having served as a congresswoman since 1990. Waters’ record is consistently progressive having opposed the Iraq war, serving – and chairing – the Congressional Black Caucus, called for an end to the Cuba trade embargo, opposed mandatory minimum sentencing, and vehemently opposed the tea party movement.

Truly, Waters’ behavior regarding Trump is exactly what we need more of in the Democratic party. While some Democrats are so lost that they voted to confirm Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State, Waters is out fighting and making damn sure that the president knows she is not on his side.