When you give the insane far-right exactly what they’ve always wanted, they’re bound to do whatever it takes to hold onto it, and that’s exactly what is happening at far-right fanatical conspiracy site InfoWars and its boisterous, insane leader Alex Jones.

During one of his mad ranting broadcasts late last week, Jones declared that he was so truly devoted to President Trump that he was ready to die for him.

“Trump is so fire-breathing, so energetic, so cunning, so real, and he’s having results so amazing that it just makes me endeared to Trump – I’m ready to die for Trump, at this point. And I’m already ready to die for America, it’s the same feeling I have for America, because he is America, you’re America.”

Usually, the far-right are a big fan of worshiping anything of the Red White and Blue, so it’s not a big stretch to see why Jones would equate America as a whole to Trump – but that’s simply not the case. Millions are in the streets protesting Trump, and everywhere, elected officials are being berated by those who voted them into office to take action and oppose Trump.

But for someone as deluded as Jones, all he sees are bald eagles and Toby Keith when he looks at our nation today. And it is that blind patriotism and devotion that is the true danger. Likely, Jones is nothing more than talk. After all, he’s said worse things before.

Still, it is more than a little unsettling hearing him swear allegiance to death to a president that most of us despise and fear.
