When it comes to siding with or against the President, the folks at “Morning Joe” have been all over the map. From giving Trump hours of easy air-time during the election via phone interviews to acting later as if they never liked him, hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski have attempted to appear tough on Trump while maintaining their mutually beneficial relationship.

With such an ill-defined view on the President, there are bound to be a few hiccups like the one that occurred today when Scarborough got extremely testy with his co-host for disagreeing with him regarding the active role of Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner in the White House.

Scarborough was busy playing a Trump ally and arguing that there was little wrong with the use of Trump’s family members in key political roles. In fact he was so on-board with the roles that he compared them to his own political hero Bobby Kennedy.

“My political hero was appointed Attorney General for his brother, and Republicans didn’t like that back then. I think if you looked at Bobby Kenendy’s record, some good things came out of that.”

Brzezinski, however, was a little skeptical.

“So you’re comparing Ivanka Trump to Bobby Kennedy?”

Scarborough was immediately offended by her tone and called her “snotty,” chastising her like a child for daring to question his opinion.

“You don’t have to be so snotty. I was about to say, you din’t let me get it out. You don’t have to be so rude. The fact of the matter is that they are not Bobby Kennedy as I was about to say but you wanted to get your cheap shot in so you got your cheap shot in. No I am not saying Jared and Ivanka are Bobby Kennedy.”

The two hosts have quibbled before, but Scarborough’s treatment of his colleague seemed both extreme and unprofessional. With so many other conservative talking heads under fire now for harassment and discrimination, Scarborough would do better to treat those who work with him with a bit more respect.