On Friday, the Environmental Protection Agency quietly wiped its government website of most of the information related to climate change, a further sign that this administration has no interest in exploring the ways that we can preserve our planet.

With no reason given, the previously established pages giving information about global warming and climate change which had been in place for two decades were wiped on Friday, leaving a “page is under construction” placeholder.

When asked for comment, EPA officials explained that they were clearing out “outdated language,” in order to provide a clearer picture of the EPA’s current goals.

“we want to eliminate confusion by removing outdated language first and making room to discuss how we’re protecting the environment and human health by partnering with states and working within the law.”

Those paying attention are seeing that not only is the EPA softening its stance on climate change significantly, but is ramping up imagery and language flattering to the coal industry. This is in line with President Trump’s behavior, as well as the goals of EPA chief Scott Pruitt who actively denies the role of carbon dioxide in global warming.

As Buzzfeed noted:

“The takedown of the EPA’s climate change page is the latest in a series of website alterations by the Trump administration, which has placed a new focus on oil drilling and coal mining.

Perhaps most notably, the Bureau of Land Management — which is part of the Department of the Interior overseen by Trump appointee Ryan Zinke — changed the feature image on its website from a family hiking in the wilderness to a massive coal seam.”

Bit by bit, this administration is actively dismantling every shred of progress we have made toward environmental successes in the past several decades. Unfortunately, these issues cannot be ignored any longer – every moment that we refuse to act is another moment lost for our future as a species.