A group of Democrats in the House of Representatives have introduced legislation to try to force Donald Trump to “act like a president.” Specifically, they are calling for him to put an end to his constant use of social media, to release his tax returns, and to stop spending taxpayer money at Trump-branded properties when he’s supposed to be working. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.
A group of Democrats in the House of Representatives have introduced a piece of legislation that will force Donald Trump to act like a president. Now this particular piece of legislation was actually introduced on July 19, 2017, and it’s asking for several very specific things, and here they are. They want Donald Trump to release his tax returns. They want him to place his private business assets in a blind trust or to completely divest from them, to donate to the United States treasury any personal profit he has made from foreign patronage of hotels in which he has an ownership interest, refrain from taking any action that results in taxpayer money being spent on goods or services from businesses in which he owns, seek Congressional consent for any and all emoluments he has received, refrain from using Twitter inappropriately, support the First Amendment and stop referring to the news as fake news, promote democracy, freedom of the press and so on and so forth.
Basically, what they’re trying to do with this piece of legislation that unfortunately, is probably not going to go far, but it’s a nice start, it’s a fun thing. What they want him to do is act like every other president before him. Not necessarily some of the bad ones, but just do the usual regular things that a president does before you start doing policy. Get off of Twitter. Stop golfing every other day. I mean 42 days so far this man has spent at his own golf courses. He’s spent even more time than that at Trump-owned properties, and we, the taxpayers, are paying for that. And he, the president, is reaping the profits from it.
They just want it to stop. They’re not trying to impeach him with this. They’re trying to get him to act like a responsible grownup that actually wants and understands the importance of the job that he ran to get. He won the presidency, unfortunately, thanks to the electoral college. He didn’t win the popular vote, but he got the electoral college, which is the only vote the Constitution actually calls for, so he won. So act like you give a damn about it. That’s what this legislation is all about. Get off Twitter, stop insulting people, stop insulting the media, ignore them like a responsible, mature grownup.
But, Donald Trump’s mental capacity doesn’t allow him to do that. There is no way that even if this legislation were passed into law, Donald Trump would do any of these things because he lacks the mental prowess to understand that he needs to do these things. Furthermore, he’s the kind of affluenza-afflicted person who, if he’s told to do these things, would then literally do the opposite, because nobody tells Donny what to do.
That’s why he’s unfit to serve, and that’s what this piece of legislation is trying to highlight. Every single thing listed in this piece of legislation that the Democrats are attempting to force the president to do are things that presidents before him have also done, with the exception of Nixon, who also did not release his full tax returns, and we all know how that administration ended. Let’s just hope that the Trump administration ends the same way.