On September 26th, Mike Papantonio, host of America’s Lawyer and the nationally-syndicated radio show Ring of Fire, will be releasing the follow up to his novel Law and Disorder. The new installment, titled Law and Vengeance, builds on characters introduced in the first novel, providing more depth and focus on other members of the Bergman Deketomis Law Firm.

The story follows trial lawyer Gina Romano who was first introduced in Law and Disorder. Gina is a partner at the Bergman, Deketomis firm, and the story follows her quest for both vengeance and justice after her law partner, Angus Moore, is murdered. Gina takes it upon herself to take over Angus’s whistleblower lawsuit against a weapons manufacturer who developed and sold a dangerously defective rifle scope. She soon finds herself taking on not just that company, but one of America’s largest police unions, lobbyists, and a corrupt and incompetent Department of Justice.

In a conversation with Mike Papantonio, he explained that the major driving forces behind the story were the past 17 years of complete inaction by the U.S. Department of Justice to hold corporations criminally accountable when they commit fraud or otherwise rip off consumers, and the fact that whistleblowers in the U.S. are often met with hostility. In fact, as Papantonio told me, we’re far more likely to throw a corporate whistleblower in prison than a corrupt corporate CEO. White collar criminals typically get away with a slap on the wrist or, at best, a fine that they are able to write off on their taxes.

Papantonio has built his story around real life events he has encountered as one of the top trial lawyers in America. The characters developed in Law and Vengeance pull in aspects from real trials and cover ups that Papantonio has encountered during his many years in the courtroom against some of the world’s largest and most corrupt corporations. At times you may begin to forget that the book is fiction as he reveals some of the most grotesque behavior of corporate America – stories that are popping up in the news media almost every day.

Law and Vengeance will have a national release on September 26th, 2017. You can pre-order on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Target.com.