When Fox News invited on two politically-opposed black commentators, they likely expected that the individuals would go head-to-head, doing the work of the racist network without the negative optics we so often see on Fox. Instead, both Wendy Osefo and Gianno Caldwell found themselves in strong agreement as they urged the President to speak from his heart and work to heal the nation.

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Osefo said that as a black woman, she feels the ongoing issues surrounding the rise of neo-Nazis and Trump’s tacit endorsement of those individuals during his press conference on Tuesday went far beyond politics and into “raw emotion.”

“As a black woman of two black boys, my heart bleeds. This is not talking points. This is personal. We as a nation, as a country, have to do better.”

When host Abby Huntsman turned to Caldwell for a counter-point, what she got instead was a man who said he was unable to sleep the night before and quickly teared up as he explained how betrayed he felt.

“People – good people – don’t pall around with White Supremacists and Nazis. . . For anyone to come on any network and defend what President Trump did and said at that press conference yesterday is completely lost.”

Both voices said that they were speaking from a place of humanity and emotion, calling on the President to recognize the importance of fully denouncing rising anti-black and racist sentiments across the country. Try as she might, the host could not draw divisiveness or sympathy for the president from either side.