This segment originally aired on the September 8th, 2013 episode of Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV. American workers across almost all sectors of the economy are struggling.  Over the last few years, worker productivity has risen by almost 17%, yet wages for nearly 70% of our labor force have remained stagnant for about 8 years.  The remaining 30% of American workers have only seen their paychecks increase by about 3% in that time.  Workers are giving their all, and getting less in return…

But up on the top wrung of the corporate ladder, CEOs have never had it better.  Even when we had banks and brokerage houses going bust, their chief executives were rewarded with multi-billion dollar paydays, while the American taxpayers had to keep their businesses above water.  Just like former president George W. Bush, these corporate leaders managed to continuously FAIL UPWARDS, leaving a trail of ruin in their wake.  Ring of Fire guest host Farron Cousins discusses this gross disparity between hard working Americans and inept corporate leaders with Zoe Carpenter, a reporter from The Nation magazine’s Washington bureau.