The cholesterol and blood pressure-regulating statin drug Lipitor has been linked to type 2 diabetes in women. Recently, the drug has also been linked to an increased risk for muscle and joint diseases as well as strains and sprains, according to HealthDay News.

The study found that statins like Lipitor are associated with musculoskeletal injuries and diseases. The findings were published in the JAMA Internal Medicine journal in June, and were based on nearly 14,000 US active-duty and veteran soldiers.

Lead researcher Dr. Ishak Mansi said that the team’s findings need to be corroborated by additional studies, and that people at risk for heart disease should not be deterred from taking the drugs, as long as they discuss the risks and benefits with their physician.

However, Mansi said, “The side effects of statins are not totally known yet. Advocating widespread use, specifically for primary prevention in otherwise healthy subjects, is unsound.”

Type 2 diabetes is one known risk associated with taking Lipitor, particularly for women. Women across the country who have developed serious health complications as a result of taking Lipitor have begun to file Lipitor lawsuits.

“A recent study found that women were up to 50 percent more likely to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes if they had been taking Lipitor,” said Lipitor lawyer Daniel Nigh who practices in the areas of bad drug and defective medical device litigation with the Levin, Papantonio law firm.

“Researchers at the University of Massachusetts looked at data from nearly 154,000 women who were taking Lipitor or another statin, and were followed for up to 7 years,” Mr. Nigh continued. At the beginning of the study none of the women included in the study reported having diabetes. However, at the end of the study, more than 10,000 women reported a diagnosis of the condition.”

Millions of patients have been prescribed Lipitor since Pfizer introduced its drug to the market in 1996. The drug has been the highest selling drug in pharmaceutical history, with sales in excess of $125 billion.

“The US Food and Drug Administration recently ordered Lipitor’s label to be change to include information regarding the risk of developing type 2 diabetes as a result of taking Lipitor,” Mr. Nigh explained.

The FDA approved the label change after the study showed a clear link between Lipitor and type 2 diabetes in women.

The recent study of US military members shows that people taking statins like Lipitor had a 19 percent greater risk of developing musculoskeletal problems compared with those who were not taking a statin drug. The connection between statins and muscle and joint problems such as strains, sprains, and dislocations, had not been previously reported.