This week’s Ring of Fire Radio, hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder: Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts Sunday nights at 8 pm Eastern

This week on Ring of Fire Radio: Economics professor William Black will tell us why the Obama administration continues to push discredited and dangerous economic policies.

Author Michael Klare will be here to tell us why we haven’t seen a renewed push for renewable energy, even as our planet burns up.

Peter Beinart from The Daily Beast will discuss the emerging generation of progressives, and why they will change the face of American politics.

And investigative journalist David Dayen will tell us about the latest scams from the mortgage industry.

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And now you can catch Ring of Fire every Sunday at noon eastern on Free Speech TV!

Catch all of your favorite Ring of Fire segments, including TV appearances, on our YouTube page.  And check out Sam Seder, Monday through Friday, on The Majority Report.