District Court Judge Donovan W. Frank issued an order earlier this week establishing the roles for Co-Lead Counsel Committee positions for the Stryker hip recall multidistrict litigation (MDL) 13-2441.

The order is issued following a hearing we reported on in September.

Ben Gordon, a Levin, Papantonio law firm shareholder and Stryker hip recall lawyer, was appointed to the Plaintiffs’ Lead Counsel Committee for the Stryker hip recall MDL.

The committee is responsible for presenting to the court the position on all matters arising during pretrial proceedings; coordinating the initiation and conduct of discovery on behalf of plaintiffs; conducting settlement negotiations on behalf of plaintiffs; delegating specific tasks to ensure effective, efficient and economic pretrial preparation; and more.

Mr. Gordon said in his address to the Court in September that “to lead is to serve” and added that “serving in the Lead Counsel Committee is an honor and a privilege.”

Joshua is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. You can follow him on Twitter @Joshual33.