Generation Opportunity is Tea Party, Koch-funded group, much like FreedomWorks, that spews right-wing, anti-Obamacare rhetoric. However, this group is aimed specifically at the youth of America and is responsible for the “Creepy Uncle Sam” anti-Obamacare ads.

The website features trendy-looking anti-Obama memes and a news release page that focuses exclusively on information regarding those in the 18- to 29-year old demographic.

This past Saturday, the group showed up at the University of Miami when the football team played the Virginia Tech football team in Coral Gables, FL. Generation Opportunity came in full force with drinking games, models, and a slew of anti-Obamacare information to pass out to students, reported ThinkProgress.

The Generation Opportunity visit turned into a boozed-fueled tailgate party.

“Student activists independently brought (lots of) beer and liquor for consumption by those 21 and over,” said Generation Opportunity’s communications director David Pasch. “Oh yeah, and we educated students about their healthcare options outside the expensive and creepy Obamacare packages.”

The Virginia-based right-wing group will spend about $750,000 on the 20-campus, cross country campaign.     

“We rolled in with a fleet of Hummers, F-150’s and Suburbans, each vehicle equipped with an 8’ high balloon bouquet floating overhead. We hired a popular student DJ from UMiami (DJ Joey), set up OptOut cornhole sets, beer pong tables, bought 75 pizzas, and hired 8 ‘brand ambassadors’ aka models with bullhorns to help out,” wrote Pasch in an email.

Josh is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. Follow him on Twitter @dnJdeli.