Unfortunately for the Duck Dynasty crowd, free speech doesn’t include saying whatever you want wherever you want.

Earlier this week, Phil Robertson made some comments expressing his distaste for homosexuals. Since then, the Right has been up in arms over A&E “infringing” on Robertson’s right to say what he wants.

The First Amendment cuts both ways though. A&E is not a public forum and Phil Robertson has no expectation that the network must adopt or endorse his anti-gay opinions. Beyond this, an often unremarked upon portion of the First Amendment protects the freedom to associate.

This protection would also suggest that groups are free to disassociate with whomever they choose.

A bigger problem would be present should the government have forced A&E to endorse Robertson’s comments.

— Gov. Bobby Jindal (@BobbyJindal) December 19, 2013

But this hasn’t stopped the Right’s cheerleaders from coming to defend Robertson and attack A&E.

A&E has come forward and issued a statement that they are not associated with Robertson’s statements.

This article was coauthored by Joshua and Alisha. You can follow Josh on Twitter here @Joshual33. You can follow Alisha on Twitter here @childoftheearth.