Mike Papantonio will be filling in for Ed Schultz today on The Ed Schultz Show, and he’ll be talking about the new internationalist mentality of corporations – where they go from country to country colonizing and extracting every available resource before moving on to their next victim.

Rocker, author, activist, and actor Henry Rollins will be joining us to talk about the complete lack of regard that corporations have for the welfare of American consumers.

Bobby Kennedy will join us to discuss how mining companies are continuing to rape our environment, leaving millions sick while fattening up their own wallets.

Investigative journalist Brad Friedman will be here to talk about how the US Chamber of Commerce has become the largest modern-day mafia on the planet.

And Lee Fang from Think Progress will be joining us to discuss how oil speculators are driving up the cost of oil for Americans in order to put a few extra dollars in their pockets.

You can listen online HERE, or follow online at WeGotEd.com.