Video Rewind

NC Cuts Environmental Department Staff in Wake of Coal Ash Spill

One month after the devastating coal ash spill in the Dan River, the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) cut 13 percent of the staff positions in its Division of Water Resources. According to The News & Observer, the cuts are just the most recent step in shrinking the agency; jobs have been cut there every year since 2008.

Comcast Ins’t Buying Congress. congress Already bought Congress

Finally, Congress is coming together over something. Unfortunately, it’s screwing the American public over that’s bringing the otherwise discoordinate body politic into union. It doesn’t hurt that Comcast has put millions of dollars behind a majority of politicians.

Zohydro is Coming to the U.S. and It Will Kill People

One of the most potent painkillers ever created is slated to release on U.S. markets this week. Doctors and experts have already voiced their opinions that the drug will only lead to the tragic deaths of opioid abusers in the United States.

Disgraceful: Zimmerman Signs Autographs at Gun Show

Everyone’s favorite tragedy voyeur is back making headlines again. This time, George Zimmerman was signing autographs at a gun show. Zimmerman is best known for killing Trayvon Martin and then being acquitted.

Papantonio: Who is Barack Obama? Pt. 1 of 2

Pap and Seder: The Republican Cult of Fear

Joshua de Leon is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire.