Comcast, the telecommunications and data behemoth, has been named as America’s worst company of 2014, according to results from the Consumerist’s annual poll. Comcast has been on our radar for some time due to its back-channel dealings and attempts to consolidate internet access in the United States.

Comcast pushes out Electronic Arts (EA) for the worst company designation. EA was the reigning worst for both 2012 and 2013. This was largely fueled by disdain over the company’s treatment of digital rights management for users.

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Comcast has been trying to acquire Time Warner Cable, in a move that would be devastating for the online connectivity of a massive number of Americans. Comcast’s merger is pending in the legislature at the moment, but the company is positioned to leverage an overwhelming force to push the merger through.

Related: Comcast Isn’t Buying Congress. Comcast Already Bought Congress.

Monsanto nearly kept the title from Comcast, but the company squeaked out a lead and claimed its rightful position.

SeaWorld also gave Comcast a run for its money. The documentary Blackfish, which displays the mistreatment and abuse of the park’s inhabitants, brought public scrutiny to bear on them.

However, Comcast’s greed and poor service to its customers ended up winning out the day.

Congratulations, Comcast! You are America’s worst company of 2014.

Joshua is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. You can follow him on Twitter @Joshual33.