“Run, Warren, Run!” cries a new website, calling for Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts’ Democratic senator, to run for president in the 2016 election.

The Ready for Warren campaign was started by a group of progressive activists who hope to slow down the momentum that Hillary Clinton is gaining. With the website, Facebook page, and Twitter account already launched, they’re asking supporters to sign a petition compelling Warren to throw her hat into the ring.

“It’s time that the American people had a lobbyist of our own, and that lobbyist is Elizabeth Warren,” says the group’s website. “By standing up to Wall Street to defend Main Street, Warren has proven herself to be the spine that the Democratic Party forgot it had.”

Despite pledges to “finish her term” in the senate, this group looks to “show Warren that she’s got support across the country, from Oklahoma to Massachusetts, from Florida to Nevada.”

According to the Huffington Post, Ready for Warren’s campaign manager is Erica Sagrans, who worked on President Obama’s 2012 campaign.

“We don’t want to say too much about our exact plans,” said Sagrans, “but we’ll definitely be out in force and supporting Warren when she speaks [at the Netroots Nation conference] on Friday.

“We’re planning on using Netroots as an opportunity to build on a lot of the momentum she’s seen elsewhere,” added Sagrans, “and to show that she not only has progressive support … but that there is an organized effort and people who are working on harnessing that support and building it into a rea Draft Warren campaign.”

Sagrans and the other members working on the campaign effort will be joined by Billy Wimsatt, founder of the League of Young Voters, who will serve as a senior advisor.

As of late, Warren has been on the campaign trail, but not for herself. She’s been heading out in support of red-state Democratic candidates running in the midterm elections this November. Notably, she’s gone to Kentucky to campaign for Alison Lundergan Grimes as she takes on Sen. Mitch McConnell, and West Virginia to support Natalie Tennant, who is vying to be the first female senator in the state’s history.

While Warren’s decision to run for president is still in the air, one thing is for sure: Ready for Warren will be out there alongside her to make sure she knows their support.