Venues that booked right-wing, bigot-monster Ted Nugent for performances have started cancelling them. Hopefully, it will continue. It will also, no doubt give the Motor City Madman something else to whine and complain about, which should be entertaining.

One of the first places to axe Nugent was the Coeur d’Aleve Tribe in Worley, Idaho. Nugent was scheduled to play on August 4 at the tribe’s casino. However, due to Nugent’s “history of racist and hate-filled remarks,” the tribe decided to cancel the date. Delightfully, other venues have started to follow suit.

Another Native American-run casino has canceled two Nugent concerts. The Emerald Queen Casino run by the Puyallup Tribe in Tacoma, Washington dropped the August 2 and 3 dates, and, like the Coeur d’Aleve Tribe, they cited Nugent’s hateful and racist rhetoric.

“The first amendment gives people the right to free speech, but I think racism is intolerable and not acceptable here,” said Puyallup Tribal Council Vice President Lawrence W. LaPointe. “We’ve been getting lots complaints from the community and other organizations. I don’t want to take away his right to say what he wants to say, but we don’t need it here.”

Nugent performed at Waterfest in Oshkosh, Wisconsin this past weekend. But even that performance met with harsh criticism. Critics started a petition to have the festival promoters drop Nugent from the lineup. In return, Nugent responded saying, “I take it as a badge of honor that such unclean vermin are upset.”

Because Nugent is such an unwanted presence, some organizers have even paid Nugent to keep him from performing a scheduled event. Show promoters in Texas paid Nugent $16,000 to keep him from playing at a Fourth of July Festival.

In short, Nugent sucks and people are really starting to dislike the ancient rock-relic.

Cancel all of his shows.

Josh is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. Follow him on Twitter @dnJdeli.