Yet another member of the GOP has been been accused of misusing campaign funds. This time it was Speaker of the South Carolina House of Representatives, Bobby Harrell.

Harrell was indicted yesterday on nine misdemeanor charges: two counts of Misconduct in Office, six counts of Using Campaign Funds for Personal Use, and one count of False Reporting Candidate Campaign Disclosures.

According to the Associated Press, the charges claim that Harrell “reimbursed himself for travel expenses he falsely claimed as legislative travel. But in a statement Harrell insists he has not personally benefited from travel reimbursements.”

Prosecutor David Pascoe said, “At this point in the process, the indictments are mere accusations. Mr. Harrell is presumed innocent until proven guilty.”

Pascoe said his office has no further comments and has requested that the media refrain from contacting him regarding this case.

Several South Carolina legislators have called for Harrell to step down, including Gov. Nikki Haley (R), state Sen. Vincent Sheheen (D), and chairperson of the state’s Democratic Party Jaime Harrison.