Last night, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) spoke at a gala dinner for In Defense of Christians, a group that says it advocates for Christian communities in the Middle East.

During his speech, the audience responded to Cruz’s comments on the relationship between Israel and America, and between Jews and Christians, with boos.

“Those who hate Israel hate America, and those who hate Jews hate Christians,” Cruz said. “And if this room will not recognize that, then my heart weeps that the men and women here will not stand in solidarity with Jews and Christians alike who are persecuted by radicals who seek to murder them.”

As the booing continued, an event official joined Cruz on the stage to ask for “respect for dialogue.”

“Respect, please,” he said. “We are in America.”

“If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews, then I will not stand with you,” Cruz said before walking off stage.

Watch video from the event via CBN.