Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), ‘joked’ earlier this month that “white men who are in male-only clubs are going to do great in my presidency” at a private event at an all-male club, according to audio provided to CNN yesterday.

The “snippets” were sent to two South Carolina Democrats from an anonymous Gmail address, who turned the clips over to CNN and requested to remain unnamed. CNN confirmed with Graham’s campaign that the remarks were indeed the senator, and were made at meeting of the Hibernian Society of Charleston, “the Irish-Catholic charity organization that sometimes hosts big-name politicians for irreverent and frequently bawdy speeches.”

“I’m trying to help you with your tax status,” said Graham on the recording. “I’m sorry the government’s so f**ed up. If I get to be president, white men in male-only clubs are going to do great in my presidency.”

Graham also jokes, “We got any Presbyterians here? We got any Baptists? They’re the ones that drink and don’t admit it.”

Of course, Graham tried to say that the remarks were making fun of the group’s membership demographics, “joking that they were the last such organization in existence after Augusta National Golf Club admitted women.”

In reality, Graham was speaking openly about the true intentions of the GOP. If men like Graham are elected president, things do go well for rich, white men. George W. Bush pretty much proved that was true.

Watch Headline News’ coverage of Sen. Graham’s comments.