Yesterday, Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol spoke to ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos about tomorrow’s elections and what would happen if the GOP took control of the Senate.

After pointing out that polls are leaning to the Right, Stephanopoulos asked Kristol what was worrying him this close to the election.

“They do great, they control Congress, they’re brilliant strategists, nothing ever goes wrong at all on election night,” said Kristol, sarcastically. “I’ve been uncharacteristically optimistic about this one for about six weeks. I said I thought it could be a plus 10 [Republican gain] in the Senate in mid-September, and I actually think it could end up there.”

“What’s worrisome, of course, is after this they have to do two things,” Kristol said. “Do a good job controlling both houses of Congress, which isn’t easy. And they need to win in 2016, which is a very different thing from winning in 2014.”

Watch the clip from ABC’s This Week.