A K-9 officer in Richmond, Calif. will not receive criminal charges after being caught with 4 to 5 pounds of marijuana in his home, reported the Contra Costa Times.

Last year, Richmond officer Joe Avila responded to a UPS store to pick up a box containing the marijuana and radioed that he would file a report. However, he never filed any report, and Avila took the package to his home, a serious breach of police protocol.

In January, months later, an investigation into Avila’s failure to file over three dozens reports turned up suspicion that Avila was in possession of the marijuana.

As of this past September, Avila was placed on paid administrative leave for his failure to file 37 police reports and for failing to bring the marijuana to the Richmond police evidence locker. When question, Avila had some odd excuses for why he didn’t turn in the package.

He said he kept two pounds to train his dog, which police agencies usually have programs for that sort of thing, and he also he kept the rest in the trunk of his patrol car or at home. No matter how truthful Avila’s excuses may be, but the Richmond Police Department has noted its guidelines for keeping and processing evidence.

The department decided not to press criminal charges against Avila, but his “future on the police force is undetermined.” It seems that police can get away with almost anything. With killing unarmed people and hiding evidence, there’s nothing that cops can’t get in trouble for.