The controversy surrounding Rep. Steve Scalise’s (R-LA) past associations with white supremacy groups has refocused media attention on the original Louisiana white supremacist politician of our modern time, David Duke, reported Salon. Duke has been using this attention to denounce any such allegations, however.

In 2002, Scalise spoke at the European-American Union and Rights Organization (EURO), a “pro-white” group that Duke was a part of.

Last week, Duke appeared on The O’Reilly Factor where he insisted that he was not a white supremacist. But like all white supremacists do, he attempted to use verbal gymnastics to alter what his past really was.

“I was never a white supremacist,” said Duke to O’Reilly. “I’m not a white supremacist at all. In fact the European American Unity and Rights Group was in fact a chartered civil rights organization and I, in fact, in the Louisiana legislature sponsored a bill that forbid racial discrimination and these programs called Affirmative Action, which are racial discriminations.”

The common dialogue among white supremacists is to say “we’re not anti-black, we’re just pro-white.” However, as Salon noted, Duke’s past as a Ku Klux Klan leader exposes his hateful speech and rhetoric.

In 1975, Duke told The Sun in Wichita, Kansas that:

White people don’t need a law against rape, but if you fill this room up with your normal black bucks, you would, because n*ggers are basically primitive animals. It’s really the Jew Marxists who see the nigger as their instrument, as their bullets, by which to destroy our society.

In 1985, Duke also said during an interview with the National Association for the Advancement of White People (NAAWP) that “a black . . . gets a job with a white-owned company. He is the only black at the firm. He works hard, but he’s fighting a losing battle against his genes.”

Duke likes to pretend that the caucasian population in America is being threatened by minorities. The fact is that minorities have a growing voice in American that has been rising above centuries of white oppression. People like Duke like to play the victim to some African American uprising.

In his mind, the only racial fairness is when the country is controlled solely by whites.