Recently, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) has been heavily criticizing Beyoncé, the multi-millionaire, Grammy-award-winning, married, mother of one. In his new book, Huckabee accused Beyoncé’s husband Jay-Z of essentially pimping her out and has attacked the “vulgar” nature of her songs and performances.

On last night’s episode of The Daily Show, Jon Stewart brought up these criticisms with Huckabee and pointed out their hypocrisy given the former governor’s relationship with Ted Nugent.

“You excuse that type of crudeness because you agree with his stance on firearms,” Stewart told Huckabee. “You don’t approve of Beyoncé because she seems alien to you.”

During the interview, Huckabee, while discussing Beyoncé as a role model for young girls, asked Stewart, “Do you know any parent who has a daughter that says, ‘Honey, if you make really good grades, someday when you’re 12 or 13, we’ll get you your own stripper pole?’”

“I think that’s diminishing Beyoncé in a way that’s truly outrageous,” replied Stewart.

Watch the entire interview.