This week’s Ring of Fire, hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder: Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts Sunday nights at 8 pm Eastern

This week on Ring of Fire:  we’ll be hearing more interviews from this year’s Netroots Nation convention, including:  Bill McKibben, founder of and author of the new book “Eaarth.”

Heather Hurlburt from the National Security Network and Matthew Duss from the Center for American Progress will join us to discuss the situation in Syria.

Activist Zach Wahls will discuss marriage equality.

Forrest Brown will tell us how the PCCC is working to get progressives elected across the country.

We’ll also hear from Robert Borosage from the Center for American Progress on how we can create a political system that works for the 99%

Tyson Slocum from Public Citizen will discuss the need to reign in oil speculators

Mother Jones’ Andy Kroll on how the Wisconsin uprising was hijacked

Alternet Senior Editor Josh Holland will discuss the media’s misrepresentation of Bain Capita

Truthout’s Mike Ludwig will tell us about the bully tactics of the fracking industry

And Steven Rosenfeld from Alternet will discuss the geezer billionaires that are now running the GOP.

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Catch all of your favorite Ring of Fire segments, including TV appearances, on our YouTube page.  And check out Sam Seder, Monday through Friday, on The Majority Report.