This video serves as a sad reminder that racism is unfortunately still a worldwide problem.

At a subway station in Paris, a group of British soccer fans won’t let a black man carrying a suitcase on the train. When he tries again, they block the door and push him back.

Then the soccer hooligans begin chanting, “We’re racists, we’re racists, and that’s the way we like it.”

An older black woman later tries to enter the train and is again blocked by the group of Chelsea fans, and another who was already on the train leaves.

The Chelsea Football Club was so offended by the video that a spokesman from the team’s office called the fans’ actions “abhorrent” and said that they have “no place in football or society.”

“We will support any criminal action against those involved in such behavior and, should evidence point to the involvement of Chelsea season ticket holders or members, the club will take the strongest possible action against them, including banning orders.”

Watch the video of the soccer fans’ disgusting behavior from The Guardian.