Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AK) said bombing Iran’s nuclear facilities would only take days and wouldn’t turn out like the Iraq War, reported FreakOutNation. Considering a large part of the Iranian population holds anti-American sentiments, that wouldn’t go over so well.

While appearing on the Family Research Council’s radio show, Washington Watch, Cotton said President Obama gave America “false choice” by saying the only two possible outcomes for negotiations with Iran were striking a deal or war.

“This president has a bad habit of accusing other people making false choices, but he presented the ultimate false choice last week when he said it’s either this deal or war,” said Cotton.

“Even if military action were [sic] required – and we certainly should have kept the credible threat of military force on the table throughout which always improves diplomacy – the president is trying to make you think it would be 150,000 heavy mechanized troops on the ground in the Middle East again as we saw in Iraq and that’s simply not the case,” Cotton added.

Cotton begins to double down on his ill-advised and absent-minded diatribe about using military action against Iran. He continued by invoking President Bill Clinton and his actions in 1998 with Operation Desert Fox.

“It would be something more along the lines of what President Clinton did on December 1998 during Operation Desert Fox,” continued Cotton. “Several days [of] air and naval bombing against Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction facilities for exactly the same kind of behavior.”

Cotton is a first-term senator who needs to sit down, shut up, and let the adults deal with this.