While addressing the North Carolina House of Representatives, state Rep. Jacqueline Schaffer said that women should have a 72-hour waiting period before being allowed to have an abortion, comparing the decision to buying real estate, Crooks and Liars reported.

“We see waiting periods all throughout areas of our society in the medical context as well as in the real estate context, in the, you know, issues relating to marriage,” Schaffer said to the House. “The poorest decision that we make are the ones that we make under pressure and on impulse and so we want to ensure that women have ample amount of time to receive that information so they can make the best decision.”

“I don’t think that adding — 72 hours is only three days — I think that is a good amount of time,” she added. “These young girls, when they go in there, some of them very abrupt [sic], very quickly they make that decision that they’re going to get rid of this baby.”

HB 464 passed the House 74-45, and gives North Carolina, along with Missouri, South Dakota, and Utah, the longest waiting period in the country.

Listen to Schaffer’s remarks, posted by RawStory.