If conservatives get their way, D.C. employers will soon be able to fire a woman for using health insurance to buy birth control pills.

The act, H.J. Res 43, would make it illegal for an employer to terminate an employee who uses employer-based health insurance for in vitro fertilization or birth control pills.

But House Republicans want to overturn that law using their congressional powers over the laws in D.C.. If they succeed, a boss will be able to fire an employee if he disagrees with how she used her health insurance.

Nancy Pelosi remarked that the action taken by conservatives would be “Hobby Lobby on steroids.”

Despite having a population that rivals several states in the U.S., Washington D.C. lacks many of the legislative rights states enjoy; it is unable to pass local regulations without the approval of Congress.

This latest action is just one of the continuing abuses of Congressional Republicans against the citizens of D.C., one that also targets women. For a group of politicians that seem so passionate about upholding state’s rights, they sure don’t hesitate to oppress the District of Columbia.

The legislation to overturn the D.C. regulation now goes before the Senate for approval; it is unlikely to succeed.