Has anyone seen Sarah Palin recently? We’re being bombarded with crazy talk from people like Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, and Louie Gohmert, but something is missing from all of this conversation as we head into the 2016 elections. What’s missing is Sarah Palin’s crazy talk.

Palin showed up at an event this winter, where her speech was so bad that she actually ended up being attacked by her own party for being incoherent and embarrassing.

After her on-stage mental breakdown at that event, the invitations to other events slowed to a trickle, and according to McClatchy DC, most event organizers have just stopped sending invitations altogether.

But don’t you miss her? Wouldn’t you love to see her out there in the spotlight representing the Republican Party? We’ve had plenty of odd statements from Cruz, and Rubio, and Jeb, but those have mostly just been insulting or downright offensive. What’s missing is the absolute nutjob, word diarrhea that Sarah Palin delivers on a consistent and predictable basis, because that’s exactly what the Republican Party deserves. The woman is a walking, talking Saturday Night Live skit.

Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

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