The primary argument that Republicans make against labor unions is that it’s bad for business and ultimately kills jobs. That’s wrong. A recent study shows that nonunion workers are paid less than unionized workers, reported New Republic.

According to Century Foundation, unionized personal care workers earn 10 percent more than nonunion workers. Unionized construction workers earn 42 percent more than nonunion construction workers. Unionized workers in the field of life, physical, and social science earn 50 percent more than nonunionized workers in those fields. In dollars amounts, the findings are staggering.


The nonunionized workers in life, physical, and social sciences earn $1.5 million less than unionized workers over a lifetime. Non-unionized teachers lose $475,000, transportation workers miss out on $687,000, and construction workers lose over $1 million.


The Bureau of Labor Statistics found that two-income union families enjoy $400 more income each week. In some instance, the pay gap between union and nonunion workers can be as wide as gaps created by sex, education, and race.

New Republic noted that union membership is associated with an overall better quality of life as workers enjoy better pensions, healthcare, vacation time, and paid sick leave.

Republicans decry unions to protect the interests of their corporate overlords. Workers thrive under unions, which protect the interests of the workers.

Images obtained from Century Foundation by way of New Republic.