The only thing worse for a Republican candidate’s cause than having his spouse support marriage equality is having an opponent who attacks the candidate because of that spouse. That’s exactly what GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum did to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI).

After Walker spoke out against the Supreme Court’s decision to make same-sex marriage a constitutional right, Walker’s wife, Tonette, came forward and said she and her sons didn’t agree with her husband. Santorum took that declaration and used it against Walker. “Spouses matter,” he said. “When your spouse is not in-sync with you – particularly on cultural issues – [you] tend not to be as active on those issues.” That’s pretty cold, Rick.

Santorum basically said that Walker doesn’t wear the pants, which is an important tenet of marriage for hypermasculine-Republicans for some odd reason. This is the latest incident of Republicans attacking each other, a sure sign of the party’s implosion. When it comes to Republican smear campaigns, nothing is sacred, not even one’s marriage.

While Santorum’s comments are offensive, Walker is not in a position to complain. He’s spent a lot of time saying things about the private lives of others, and attacking them. But that isn’t to say Santorum is correct. He’s just as bad as any other Republican. Hopefully, Walker will launch a retaliation of his own, for our enjoyment, that is. Shots fired. Get the popcorn. We’re in for a good show.